Introducing the Business Vitality® Mastermind, a small group cohort designed for busy professionals who are ready to take their careers to the next level without sacrificing self care. Led by Catherine, a seasoned leader with over 25 years of experience in corporate and 8-figure entrepreneurial ventures, this program offers a unique blend of personalized support and community interaction.

Members will benefit from customized laser coaching within the group mastermind sessions with Catherine, held twice a month on the first and third Mondays at 1pm EST for 60 minutes each. These sessions will focus on addressing individual needs and co-creating tailored action plans to drive momentum towards their goals. All calls will be recorded and accessible on Teachable throughout the program duration.

In addition to the personalized support, members will have access to a shared community forum where they can post questions, share insights, and engage with peers. Catherine will monitor the community and provide guidance and feedback as needed, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

Throughout the program, Catherine will also share her unique approach to work-life balance, drawing from her own experiences to help participants achieve harmony between their professional and personal lives. This emphasis on balance sets the Business Vitality® Mastermind apart, appealing to busy professionals who prioritize both career success and overall well-being.

Join us and experience the difference as Catherine helps you unlock your full potential, achieve career advancement, and maintain a fulfilling work-life balance in the process.

Let me ask you three questions:

  1. What if you can meet LIVE twice monthly to focus on practical applications?

  2. What if you can create tailored actions steps to implement lessons learned?

  3. What if you can have online support between the LIVE calls?

The Business Vitality® Mastermind with Catherine does exactly this for you by:

  1. Meeting twice monthly with focus on practical applications

  2. Collaborating with other business professionals on how to implement lessons learned

  3. Support you online between the LIVE calls to create additional accountability

Please do not take my word for it.

It is more important to hear from others who have worked with me.

Here are their words:

I consider Catherine a kind, trusted and knowledgeable friend and colleague.  She has always kept her word and gone above and beyond for anything I have ever asked of her.  A true professional.
— Kyle Yancey, CEO, RiverValley AgCredit
Catherine reached out to me to speak at an event; she subsequently worked with me to consult on a technology rollout. She is savvy, has a great lay of a company’s political landscape, and has a terrific grasp of strategic challenges.
— Whitney Johnson, CEO, Founder, Top 50 Thinkers, Innovation and Disruption Theorist, Keynote Speaker, Best-selling Author, Executive and Performance Coach

I don’t have the time right now. 

To be honest, we will never have time. Let me share with you practical applications that have taken me 20 years to compile! It is like the cliff notes to enabling peak performance.

How much time will this take?

Like most things in life, you get what you give. In order to let you get as much as possible in as little time as possible, I have arranged this Mastermind with Catherine just for you. Twice a month, we will have LIVE 60-minute sessions led by Catherine Cantey. Recorded calls can be shared with you in case you miss a session. And you will also have online support available to you between the LIVE calls. Within the Business Vitality® Mastermind with Catherine, you will have 20 years of research. Research like podcasts, books, conferences, networking, lessons learned and more. 

How much can I use immediately?

In this Mastermind with Catherine, I walk you through lessons learned and vital business topics to continue your success. You will collaborate with other business professionals. You will be able to create action steps to implement new learnings. You will have two monthly LIVE calls with Catherine Cantey, as well as online support available to you between the LIVE calls to create additional accountability.

The time will pass anyway;
we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.
— Ernst Nightingale

The Business Vitality® Mastermind with Catherine meets LIVE twice a month and is led by Catherine Cantey, plus you will have access to online support between the LIVE calls.

The Business Vitality® Mastermind with Catherine has a 3 month minimum and starts as low as $1,500 per month.

Click the Get Started button to begin.

Let’s do this!